What is Covid-19?

> Co = corona +
Vi = virus +
D = disease +
19 = outbreak began Wuhan,China
November 2019.
> Known as the ‘novel coronavirus’, this is a new virus different from other Coronaviruses such as those which cause the common cold.
> Often called SARS-Cov-2 which stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (called as of February 2020)
2. What are the symptoms of Covid-19 in Adults?
>>> Symptoms of Covid-19 can range from mild to flu-like to severe organ failure.
→ CDC link for symptoms - https://youtu.be/7zzfdYShvQU
>>> Most common symptoms:
→ fever, fatigue, headache, chills, loss of smell and taste
→ cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, shortness of breath, chest tightness
→ pink eye, myalgia, bluish discoloration of toes (covid toes)
→ nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
→ feelings of confusion / change in mental state
>>> In the worse case:
→ respiratory failure requiring ventilator support
→ renal failure requiring dialysis
→ liver failure
→ heart involvement, neurological involvement -seizure, stroke
*** Contact your healthcare provider if you think you have Covid-19 symptoms.
*** Go to the ER if you have trouble breathing, chest pain, confusion, and severe weakness .
3. What measures should I take to prevent Covid -19
Wear a mask
Practice social distancing → stand 6 ft apart
Wash your hands with soap and water frequently
→ see chart from CDC.--> PDF [109K]CDC link.
4. How can I boost my immune system to fight off Covid-19 before infection?
Exercise regularly -- wide array of youtube videos available to motivate you
Eat a healthy well balanced diet
Maintain a healthy weight → BMI around 25
Decrease stress - meditation, yoga, relaxation
Quit smoking
Drink alcohol in moderation
Get enough sleep → 7-8hrs per day
Vitamin supplementation if your diet/lifestyle does not provide you enough → vitamin C (fruits), Vitamin D (sunlight) → check with your doctor: vitamin D supplement dose, zinc, probiotics, turmeric, ginger, garlic, etc.
5. What if I have mild symptoms of Covid-19 but do not need to go to the hospital?
>>> Since there is no treatment available for mild cases, monitor your symptoms closely and make sure you are in touch with your healthcare provider. Also make sure you quarantine yourself for at least 14 days after your symptoms resolve.
→ At home remedies:
Tylenol for fever >101F and severe muscle aches
Drink plenty of water and fluids ⇒ when you urinate it should be clear, not dark or yellow, dehydration can lead to renal failure and hospital admission
Do breathing exercises
Walk as tolerated in your quarantined space to prevent blood clots (would not do cardio or extensive exercise)
Keep your immune system strong with vitamins (zinc after consulting your doctor)
Make sure you rest and get enough sleep.
Pulse oximeter at home can come in handy to monitor oxygenation.
How to breath when you have a respiratory infection: → https://youtu.be/sQwheE7wJZY
CDC guidelines on managing covid-19 @ home: → pdf iconCDC Link
Disclaimer - This blog is for informational purposes only. For any specific treatment questions and specific treatment please contact your Doctor.
About the Contributors- Dr. HINA DOSHI is an internist practicing in Clawson, Michigan. She has been in private practice since 2001. She has a keen interest in patients with Diabetes, arthritis, Hypertension. She is passionate about preventive health care.